I'm not very sure if anybody reads this, but if you do, please do comment to let me know that you are alive and well on the other side of the global hemisphere! (:
I can't believe I'm finally in Scotland. And Boram's in Italy. And all these other people are either in their respective study-abroad countries, or will be soon. It's pretty crazy how time flies. And I can't believe I'm going to be here for another 4 months. Crazy. Talked to mom yesterday and that was hard. She said it's weird not having me around and she has come to realize that she needs me around. I whole-heartedly agree. I haven't really been alone so I haven't really been feeling lonely, but I do miss my mom. It just hasn't sunk in that I'm going to be here for so long... and 4 months isn't even that long. But for a girl who hasn't been away from mom for longer than a month, 4 months is a big step. puhahaha.
This country is absolutely beautiful. They're so friendly here; it's amazing. To be able to walk around everywhere is so convenient and resourceful. However, the layout of the city is absolutely horrific. Street names change every block, and it's not grid-like at all. It's very easy to get lost. VERY easy. But because the city is so old, the buildings are old too... meaning, BEAUTIFUL. Houses and buildings built in the 16th and 17th century. Pretty tight. I've been hearing it's super hot in cali... mwahaha... It's like, 65 degrees here. Suckaz! jkjk. But it is pretty chilly here.
Hmm... so what have I done so far? The flight here was pretty crazy. There were no delays but there were all these little problems that kept popping up, annoyances and inconveniences. But praise God that I arrived safely. And thank God 2 other people from my group went on the flight with me. Going back home alone won't seem bad, but coming here alone would have been horrible. I've been walking around so much it's been crazy. I'm glad I didn't bring any heels. Cobblestones+long walking+heels=bad idea. But my running shoes and pumas fit nicely in this environment. (: Been going out to some pubs; pub culture is huge here. Haven't really met any Scottish students yet. The Pomona kids are here super early. Scottish/British/international students will start rolling in at the end of this week so it'll get more interesting then. I really hope I can pick up the Scottish accent. That would be AMAZING.
I have yet to meet another Korean. But that's fine. I need to make more white friends. lol. I'm thankful for the opportunity. The students in my program are great. We're a really good group I feel. Good chemistry. So I'm happy. ^^ I can't wait to meet more Scots!
Started class today. Not part of the University but a class only for the Pomona students. It's a seminar course and the professor is tight. (: I really think I'm going to enjoy my stay here in Edinburgh. I need to start planning to travel. I'm definitely very very excited. The awesome thing about this city is that unlike universities in America, the University of Edinburgh is embedded within the city. Kinda like NYU but a billion times better (note: I've never been to NYU hahaha). All the buildings are spread apart throughout the city because the buildings were all built gradually. It's amazing. I love walking everywhere. And it's awesome to see that some of the university buildings are so old. Older than the United States. craziness... One thing I guess I don't like too much is that there are no cafes to just sit and do homework! Or maybe there is and I just haven't found any decent ones yet. It's a pretty compact city and it's always busy and full of life I feel. There must be some cafes somewhere. Many cute shops here an there. One thing I hate: how weak the American dollar is compared to the Pound. Ugh. 1 pound= 2 american dollars. So everything is double. stupid. oh well. At least it's making me spend carefully.
I feel like everyone's so stylish here in the UK. What am I going to do? Me and my homey sweats. You guys would be so proud. I'm wearing jeans! (: But the sweats will come out. Maybe I can wear them in a way to make 'em stylish. lol. Not gonna happen? I hope it will. Oh man... and my hair. No use for a blow dryer. I blow dry my hair and then it gets all wavy again due to the rain. Flip.... Flippity flip flip. Oh well.
What else is there about this city that's interesting... Everybody says "cheers" at the end of an inquiry or conversation or something. "Cheers love" lol. I fancy that very much. ^^
Oh! I hope to visit Geraldine in New Castle soon. hhahahahah! Lucky me! >:D
Oh and I do have prayer requests. ^^
+My heart would be open to the people and the culture.
+That I may be obedient to God and ever growing during my stay here. I really want to see God work during my stay here, in my life and all around me.
+That I may find a good community and good friends.
+My hallmates and I would have a good relationship
+protection from illnesses, spiritual attacks, etc.
+well-being and safety of family back at home: mom, aunt, dad.
+not be led astray in any way. Gotta be careful while I'm here. (:
Thank you! ^^
let's see... I bet you guys wanna see some pictures! Here are a couple. I'll try to upload more later. These pictures aren't that good. I'll redeem them by taking better ones. (: Here goes-
view from the airplane. can you spot Arthur's Seat?
castle! yeaaah badass!!!
arthur's seat! i have yet to hike up this. It's in the form of a crouching lion... forever protecting scotland, and the city of edinburgh. I live RIGHT next to it, I can climb it whenever I want! mwahahahaha~!
old man in kilt! :D a true scotsman!

edinburgh labyrinth! .... AWESOME show we saw... fuerzabruta! look them up~

guess who earned her degree from the university of edinburgh, and wrote her a lot of her books in edinburgh! oh! I have to get the picture of the school she based Hogwarts off of... it's FREAKIN AMAZING! But until then... let me introduce to you, my buddy joanna:
kiki&i are reGAL.
random statue by well-known scottish architect... don't remember his name. lol

such pretty architecure!

@the Scottish national museum:

this is like... a death clock. the whole thing moves, the innards, all parts of it. Very scary clock. Plays one of Bach's minors... divided into 4 parts, very scary.

modelesque with chanda~

the inside of this museum looked like the inside of a cruise ship.

@ the barron's crib. Nice house! the kindest old man EVER! I love him! Collections of expensive art everywhere in the house. And plus, had a glass of white wine there. mwahahaha. j-Han? Alcoholic? OF COURSE not. (: White wine is definitely better than red wine or beer................ >:D
his partner (:
right near Tom Barron's house is this crypt... dates back to the flippin 17th century! Rich guy who died of the plague back in 1644! Talk about history in your backyard....

pictures of anstruther and crail. no pictures of st. andrews. :(
Fish and chips are big here in the UK. Chips being huge wedge/fries. And this place is famous for the fish&chips. too bad it gave me bad stomach pains and nastiness. still feelin it. yuck. it was madd good though...
this house was built in 1709 by couple TS and MD. isn't that awesome?
The doors were TINY! Perfect for me... no good for ben.
our walk through the town of anstruther.

jen.o and j.han @ the "cosy neuk" (:

OA in Scotland? Sponsor group? Family time!

beautiful scenery in our walk from Anstruther to Crail. 4 miles.

this house in Crail was built in the 17th century! Crazy huh?

no pictures of St. Andrews. I got sick. :( But Tom was so nice and so was the bus driver! Have you ever met a nice bus driver? Now I have! :D But maybe I'll revisit St. Andrews when I'm not all feeling like vomiting and dizzy and crap. I should. It's such a beautiful town....

wow that was a long entry. I'll be back after the end of Fresher's week. By then, I'll have my courses set in stone (although I know pretty much what I'll be taking), what societies I will have joined, and maybe have made some friends! weeee! Until next time!
RAMBO! your turn to post an extensive post!! :D
Hi! Jennifer
Charles, I just read your long post. I think i enjoyed reading it to. I never knew your such a good writer. I hope that God teaches you the culture and gives you the love of people in Scotland.
This is what the LORD says— your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: "I am the LORD your God, who teaches you what is best for you, who directs you in the way you should go. Isaiah 48:17
Jhan! that looks so amazing!! man, i need to get some pictures up, but since I just got here yesterday, haven't had much time. Wow, Scotland sounds like so much fun! I just might visit you during our fall break, you available the last week of october?
Jhan! I'm glad the first part of your time abroad has been wonderful - I'm looking forward to reading this blog, seeing pictures, and hearing all about your adventures. I know it must be hard being away from home/family, but I'm proud of you for taking a big leap!
It feels weird not to see you on campus...miss you!
hope you're feeling better. your pictures look great. thanks for sharing. does the lonely planet guide help at all?
hahah your wearin jeans :P
love it
you still look short in that small door picture thou ...
love you
miss you
loooks like your having a ball
ill try writing to you... we'll see how that goes -_-
-kath <3
BEAUTIFUL! scotland looks real nice on you, jhan. rock ROCK IT!
jhannnnnnnnnnnnn & Rammmmm.
:") good to hear that you guys are both settling in very well in europa! i am very jealous. but it gives me butterflies in my stomach knowing that i will too be there next year.
jHan, i expect you to get rid of all sweats by the time you come back!!! hahaha.. and Ram, for you to find some alternatives to cola!!
keeeeep us updated! :") miss you guys.
so cool! loved all the pics! wow, europe is awesome/crazy... all them old houses, a corpse in some old guy's backyard... niiice!
hey, speaking of pics, if u got any retreat pics/videos, u can upload them to photobucket.com i'll email u the username and password.
bless you!
LOL those pictures with the short door, hahaha so funny. and yah!! lucky punk with the chill weather, it's like 1000 degrees here so lame... its cool that you're having fun. Don't go crazy in the pubs hah
JHAN~~ ur pictures are amazing. and i am very glad that u got there safely with good friends and stuff...i really truly miss you and i hope that God will continue to strengthen you while u are there.
ehhehhehehhehe i love you HYE JUNG EEEHH!!!
JHAN~~ ur pictures are amazing. and i am very glad that u got there safely with good friends and stuff...i really truly miss you and i hope that God will continue to strengthen you while u are there.
ehhehhehehhehe i love you HYE JUNG EEEHH!!!
Hi jHan!!!
Guess what???
The Fray is performing at Glasgow Academy in Glasgow, Scotland on Oct. 26!!! If edinburgh is near glasgow, it would be exciting to check out the concert! There is a chance that the tickets may be all sold out!
I hope all is well over there!
btw... How's the food over there?
pple here clap after everything! and i dont know how the women here manage to run up and down the subway stairs with their heels...amazing~ i've bought lots of flats since i've gotten here. love you guys' pics!
yellooooo! longest post ever but the pictures are sooo amazing looking. hehe i'm glad that you're getting to see all this awesome stuff =) and i miss you~ we must plan a skype date to catch up since i want to hear your sexy voice hehe (muahaha), but yup...things at school are going really well, God is so good..fall con is this week! yaaaay! i'll be praying for you my lurve, talk to you soon hopefully!
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