Hello Hello!
Sorry for the huge gap in-between posts. I promise this will be the last long post.... er.... I'll try to promise that this is the last long post. LoL. Emily Tamanaha didn't like the long posts. She requested shorter, more frequent ones. I'll try Em, but I can't guarantee anything. I mean honestly, isn't 1 post every 2 weeks SO much better than 1 post every week? ..........................
anywayzzzz. Yes! So! What has happened so far? Well, freshers week ended last week and this week was my first week of school. Now.... let me tell you all. Freshmen orientation week in the UK is SO COMPLETELY DIFFERENT compared to the freshmen orientation in ANY American College. OMGOSH almost all the events during fresher's week here revolved around flippin alcohol. Now, for some that may be jolly nice and spectacular, but not all that great for me who doesn't really like drunkards and wasted children vomitting all over the freakin place. ugh. But yeah... I miss Pomona's freshmen orientation where we totally bond with our sponsor group and have awesome discussions and learn how to be pc. lol. But I must say, I'm glad I got to experience fresher's week nonetheless. Them crazy brits. lol. Basically during the 8 days of fresher's week, the different societies and unions of the university threw parties, had pub crawls, contests, competitions of wit and stamina, and celebrated alcohol. There were parties happening every single night, 9pm-3am, and during the day, there were an uncountable number of events happening like sports fairs, societies fairs, music nights, hikes, etc. etc. etc. You name it, they pretty much had it. I guess this makes sense cuz the University of Edinburgh has 50 billion more students than Pomona College. But yes...
some stuff I did during Fresher's week.....
_went on some pub crawls.
_went to a couple of parties.
_signed up for some societies: fencing (yeayuuuh), christian union (wooot), christian gospel choir (mwahahaha), shukokai karate (lol), hip hop dance (i'm lovin it).
_went church visiting... still looking, still visiting
_went to some cu (christian union) events
_signed up for classes: Economics of Developing Countries, Economics of Technical Change, Foundations of Criminology (sounds TIGHT doesn't it)
I started classes last week. My econ classes are pretty cool. The Professor seems good but I've heard bad stuff about the prof. we'll see what happens later. It's super easy to fall behind here because 2 papers make up your whole flippin grade. dang... Talk about time management. I better get on that. (: Haven't gone to criminology yet cuz I'm the worst student ever. But I will go tomorrow. Heard that class is awesome. Yay! (: I really love how the university is embedded into the city. Doesn't become a bubble. Although, I bet when it starts getting really cold.... I won't appreciate the walking as much. mwahahah! I wonder how the weather is back at home.... it's getting pretty cold here. I busted out my ugg boots... yes... I bought uggs. sigh... but they're awesome! They're like... the hardcore ones, not the ones that all the white girls from my high school wore...lol... not that they're bad or anything. ok... I'll stop now. I just wish there was a bit more sun. I'm gonna be very sad when the sun starts coming up at 8:30 and then setting at 4 pm... sadness.... Oh and I have yet to meet another Korean... oh man I miss Korean food............
Alrite! On with some fotas!!!!

I wish I lived close to a badass cathedral back
at home... umm... maybe...

ruminating on the meaning of life.

k.fuk and j-han! (:
for all you pomona peepz!

Glasglow museum. A lot of the ceilings of buildings in Scotland look tiled like that. Fusion of Roman/Grecian architecture I think it was.

The museum has this hanging head exhibition which I did NOT like at all. AT ALL. Heads with different expressions. ::shiver::: creepy.
Okay... the thing about Scottish museums I've learned... is that there is no sense or order to them. Even the one in Edinburgh, I just totally did not understand. Well, the Edinburgh one is better than the Glasglow one. At least the edinburgh museum is somewhat in order chronologically. But the Glasglow one... Ben put it perfectly... It is like... a museum for those with ADD. It made no sense. There was one room that had all these swords and had captions like "Swords were deadly weapons that promoted violence! They were beautiful pieces of metal, but were used to kill and rampage!" ... and then right across from the swords was an exhibition on racism.... it was kinda weird. it made absolutely no... OOOHH! SHINY METAL! ! ....................
So I finally climbed up Arthur's Seat, the volcanic hill/rock protrusion in the middle of Edinburgh. Absolutely beautiful. Looks like a crouching lion. I am forcing anyone who visits

my fellow climb-mates!

us being merry and frolicking...
ben caught us on camera.


awesome picture of kristin wouldn't you say? (:

pride rock!
hear our mighty

picturesque! (:

view of west end of edinburgh
buildings in the front with
the white roofs is where i
live! (:


women of power!
Oh and for the record. J-Han went to her first rugby game ever... and found it absolutely AMAZING and utterly ENTERTAINING. Buff Buff men in tight black pants running around



Basically, this is called a scrum for those that don't know rugby, like myself. They get into this huddle and attack each other aka try to get the ball with only their feet.

and then they do this thing where they throw the ball from the sidelines and the throw one of their teammates into the air, trying to catch the ball. pretty amazing. Scotland's tight. Hands down.

and then they had a lot of these.... where they just tackle each other to the floor and make this huge dogpile. AWESOME.
rugby's tight.

and here are some pictures of me and their friends. (:
They were so nice... and it was funny cuz one of them seemed so amazed that I was from America, and it blew her mind away that I was from Los Angeles too. The "fabulous" place... lol.... yeah... she's was cute though. I LURVE IT when british people try to talk with an AMERICAN ACCENT. And they love to hear us trying to talk British English. It's funny. here... it's not a British accent of course. It's we americans who have the accent. Cool beans. Coming here has definitely made me notice how stuck up, wasteful, and stupid America can be sometimes.... although America has its awesome points too. (: ANYWAYS. yeah...
amazing sisters. FO SHIZZZZLE! (There are 2 more younger sisters and a younger brother!) ^^
I feel like I've been doing a lot more "cultured" and "exciting" stuff here. Went to go watch an avant garde play, watched a rugby game, am fencing, am part of a gospel choir, etc. Maybe because it's just in a different country. Probably. Sometimes, when I'm walking down the streets alone, listening to music, jamming to my dance mix playlist, I just wanna but out dancing, but as of yet, my dance moves are no good and thus I would make a complete fool of myself. If I was a good dancer, then that would at least legitimize my bust-a-move-down-nicolson/clerk st.... oh and by the way... did I mention that the street names here change EVERY block? yeah.... ridiculous.
But I miss home very much. I got homesick for the first time yesterday talking on the phone with a couple of my church girls, and I must say, I was on the verge of crying when I was talking to my mum. Sigh. I really hope God gives me good friendships here. I've noticed I've become a lot more bold and courageous here too when trying to meet people.... I miss Pomona!!!! I miss you all!! And I can't wait to get back and terrorize all the freshmen!!! >:D Oh and I need to make a Skype date with MANY of you. (: I hope you are all doing well, and do tell me how you are! I am very curious and want to know~ Haven't really givin myself to sit and be still and think about what I've been doing so far. And I've decided I'm gonna start taking Sabbath's here. Very easy to get carried away. I gotta build up my spiritual discipline... hardest... EVER. but yeah...
It's pretty insane how much money I've spent. I need to find a job. Ugh. Everything here is so bloody expensive!!! ugh. And I need to figure out travel plans. So... here's a list of places I wanted to go: Paris, Switzerland, Italy, Germany, Austria, Greece, Spain, all of the UK... sigh... more money. Anybody interested in going to those places? (:
some prayer requests! (:
+need the Spirit's guidance and wisdom in picking a good, solid church! There are way too much churches here and they're all wonderful. I just need to find one and get plugged in. FAST!
+meet good people and make good relationships. I don't wanna leave Scotland without at least a handful of good friends. :(
+maybe a job?? (:
+my maturity and growth here. I don't want to be lazy and not actively seek building my relationship with God.
I think that's it. I hope that didn't bore you guys too much. And I'm sorry that was so long. I promise to make it shorter next time.... or... I'll try. >:D
Me hopes you are all well. Mes misses yous much. Mes Lurves yous!!!
Until next time!
J-Han I loved the update! Actually read through the whole thing in one sitting, which is quite an accomplishment for me. Guess who is going to be visiting you all in Edinburgh in a week and a half? Thats right, Ian and I are flying up for the first weekend in October, should be a blast. I look forward to seeing you!!! You all should come visit us down at Oxford. We haven't had freshers week yet, so its been kinda not as culturally intense as yours has been, but still lots of fun. If you want to know more you can check out my blog (http://rhettdb2005.blogspot.com).
Anyhow, bottom line can't wait to see you, I definitely want to do that climb while I am there, and don't let that Tamanaha girl push you around. :)
P.S. We totally met someone who went to high school with you!! She is doing a program based in Bath, and we met her at the going away party. She was very cool, but I'm horrible with names so I can't remember it... :(
j-han... i've been reading your blogs on here and xanga. i feel like an internet stalker, but i'm beginning to get to know you. you and borambo are so cute and i'm very envious of your european adventures and happy for you too. anyhow... i will keep your prayer requests in mind and eagerly wait for the next update and set of pictures. take care.
Hello! J-Han
You are right when you say you had a long post. I enjoyed reading it even though its long. I think, I am getting to know you and Boram as I read your blogposts. Keep up the good work. Until, next blog take care.
But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Matthew 6:33
- Charles -
hey jenn, dude i just finally found the blog thing, since i reformatted my computer i lost the bookmark for this blog thing. Man thats one long post, but it looks like you're having fun. Dude i just learned about the guy from scottland. The econ dude, Adam smith, found out he wasn't a very social person or normal in fact. Found out he's a little weird, haha except he wrote like 3 books or something, can't recall all the names but i think one of the books he wrote was called wealth of nations and theory of moral sentiments or something. Hope you're having fun and not getting sick or anything because a lot of the people are getting sick these days, including myself. Have fun, i'll try to check the blog thing every few days. Laters
Jhan!! It sounds like you're having such an awesome time. I'm so jealous that you got to hang out with Geraldine. And the cathedrals and towns are soooooo beautiful! I hope you continue to have an amazing and blessed time!
Jhan!!! It sounds like you're having such an amazing time. I'm so jealous that you got to hang out with Geraldine and the cathedrals, town, country all seem soooo beautiful. I hope that you continue to have an amazing and blessed time! I miss yoU!
You write very well.
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