Salve miei amici! Come stai? Molto bene? Benissimo?
Ah, va bene.
Buonanotte from the eternal city of Roma! It is currently 9:51 pm here, 12:51 pm in California. What a crazy day today was. Rain was pouring like no other today. Good thing I got home before all the storm started. I think it's official that Rome is getting colder. Time for the boots and the coats to be worn!! How exciting. :) How is the weather in LA? Hopefully a lot more bearable than a couple of weeks ago.
Anyways, hopefully my post won't exceed that of Jennifer's; like she said....let's try to keep it short and frequent so we won't overwhelm you faithful readers. :) But seriously, it's so hard to keep entries short, because there is so much that happens!!! But anyway, thanks for reading, to whoever you are. Thank you for the comments on the previous post, I'm glad you are enjoying them. :)
So a recent update on what has been going on with me: I finally finished my three-week intensive Italian course two weeks ago (that doesn't mean that I'm fluent in the language, no, not at all). We had our first week long break last week, where me and friends went to France and Spain for vacation! It seemed so weird that we were already vacationing off to other parts of Europe, when I felt like it had just been days when I arrived in Rome. Nevertheless, the trip was so awesome. Seriously. I'd show you pictures, but I took so many, that I don't think I can put everything up here! I took over 500 pictures over the last week, and that was seriously the cut down amount, because my memory card had no space! I'll just post up a couple of pictures here, and the rest you can see it on your own! I uploaded most of them onto a site.
I decided that instead of a picture overload this entry, that I bombard you with mostly videos. Vidoes are always fun, right?
This is me and Ashley, ready to leave to Paris!!!

So the next day after arriving in France, we found out that there was a HUGE techno parade happening on the streets. This was day time. Already thousands of young teenagers were out, following the moving vehicles, dancing techno style, and climbing any elevated object on the streets--cars, trucks, windowsills, telephone stands, everything. It was quite a site to see. It was so hard to get around trying to walk through the crowd. Oh jeebus.
We had a mini picnic by the Eiffel Tower.

This next video was of when me and Ashley went to the Garnier Opera House (The place where they filmed "Phantom of the Opera") and watched an opera, "Capriccio." It was the last opera written by Strauss, asking the question: What is most important? Words or music? So basically the woman who loves music and poetry, is torn between two men: a poet and a musician, and she cannot make up her mind in who to choose. That's basically the main jist.
It was raining that night. And we got to dress up. :)

So check this out.
Sunday night, we went to the Eiffel Tower, to see it during the night...and we heard some music that sounded familiar. Wondering what they were singing, we came closer to them...and realized that the song they were singing was, "Above All." That was so awesome! Seriously, it was amazing that night. They were a from a church nearby who came to sing praises under the Eiffel Tower. We joined them, and sang "Awesome God" with them. Seriously, I felt God's presence that night. God present in France as well as everywhere else. It was amazinggggg. Praising One God despite where we were from.
Hello from Versailles!

Let's fly over to Spain.
So now in Spain, when we arrived there, it turned out that there was a Music Festival going on in Barcelona. Europeans and festivals. They always have these things. They are insane in the membrane. This performer, you'll love him, was flamin' to the maximum. It was soooo funny watching. Very, umm, flexible man. Enthusiastic too!
As we were walking down the streets of Barcelona, there were different street performers. This guy was tap dancing. He's sooo good. The part I caught was not incomparable to some of the moves he did afterwards. His feet were moving as if it was on FIRE!
There was this huge parade that happened one night around our hostel. They had different types of dragons and pigs and rodent things that was passing by, and these different drumming groups. It was amazing. AMAZING.
We got confetti-ed on.

After the parade passed by, we, as well as thousands of others joined in on the parade, parading behind them...dancing, walking, clapping, shouting, having a good time. Here, everyone is cheering after a set of drumming had finished.
Amazing. Now I'm back at home, as in Rome. I started my core classes this week. I have class from Monday - Thursday, and I must say, it's quite intense! I have so much reading to do, I was already behind on the first day of class. Seriously, wayyy too much reading. But I can get through this. No problem. It was only the first week, and the first week is the most tough, right? Hopefully the second week will go a lot smoother. :)
Anyways, if you want to see more pictures, and I sure have so much more!! You can see them here!
That's my Paris and Madrid and Alcala and Madrid album.
I think this is a good time to end the post.
I hope you enjoyed this one. I'm missing you all! I hope you are doing very well!!!
Until next time,